Unschooled Homebirth

54. The Key to Shifting Your Anxiety About Homebirth

Tristin Episode 54

What are anxiety and fear about, why do we have them? Do anxiety and fear play a role in our everyday life and more specifically, in natural birth? In today's episode, I want to take a deeper look into the big picture of fears and anxieties, take a look at it from a few angles, and then, I will share with you one important shift you can make  to lessen your anxiety about your upcoming homebirth. 

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Watch now at NaturalBirthCompass.com/FreeClass

After watching this 15 minute video, you will know:

  • What physiologic birth really is and why stages of labor, lists of hormones, and cervical dilation rates are not enough
  • The most common points in labor where tissue damage occurs and how to prevent the causes of tears or episiotomies
  • The difference between being 10 cm and being ready to push


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