Unschooled Homebirth

41. Should you have expectations for birth?

Tristin Episode 41

Expectations is one of those charged words, especially when it comes to birth. So often women feel they don't want to have expectations for birth because they don't want to be disappointed if their expectations aren't met. 

Are you one of them?

This episode will explore some other perspectives of expectations, how we develop our feelings about them and how to view them in your birth preparation, should you find they are a helpful piece of your overall birth approach...hint: I think they are super important!! But, you'll have to hear why!


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Watch now at NaturalBirthCompass.com/FreeClass

After watching this 15 minute video, you will know:

  • What physiologic birth really is and why stages of labor, lists of hormones, and cervical dilation rates are not enough
  • The most common points in labor where tissue damage occurs and how to prevent the causes of tears or episiotomies
  • The difference between being 10 cm and being ready to push


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