Unschooled Homebirth

62. Natural Timing in Labor

Tristin Episode 62

Time is a complex phenomenon and may not be what you thought it was, especially when it comes to prenatal care during your pregnancy and how time relates to birth. In this episode, we will dive deep into the two types of time, linear time and elemental time, and how to understand the flow of time to support optimal prenatal care and birth as you prepare for homebirth.

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Watch now at NaturalBirthCompass.com/FreeClass

After watching this 15 minute video, you will know:

  • What physiologic birth really is and why stages of labor, lists of hormones, and cervical dilation rates are not enough
  • The most common points in labor where tissue damage occurs and how to prevent the causes of tears or episiotomies
  • The difference between being 10 cm and being ready to push


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